Before and After Analysis of Changes to Yellow Time and All-Red Clearance Interval at 25 Selected Signalized Intersections in Champaign-Urbana

Before and After Analysis of Changes to Yellow Time and All-Red Clearance Interval at 25 Selected Signalized Intersections in Champaign-Urbana

The design of yellow change and all-red clearance interval is an important factor in the driver’s decision making to cross or stop at the intersection. The conflict between the vehicles at intersections due to change of signal phases is reduced which directly affects the collisions between the vehicles. Studying the impact of change in yellow time and all-red clearance interval on intersection safety is very important. This report presents the background research and the effects of changing the yellow time and all-red clearance interval time on performance and safety of 25 intersections in the Champaign-Urbana urbanized area.

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