Data Resources & Requests
Where can I find traffic counts for the Champaign-Urbana area?
For the latest traffic count information, please see the IDOT Data Portal or the Getting Around Illinois map. For historical CCRPC counts of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists, please visit the Champaign County Regional Data Portal Traffic Counts webpage.
Where can I find traffic crash information for the Champaign-Urbana area?
For the latest traffic crash information, please see the Champaign County Traffic Crash Dashboard. For historical CCRPC traffic crash information involving vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists, please visit the Champaign County Regional Data Portal Traffic Crashes webpage.
How can I find or request other data from the PCD Division?
The Planning & Community Development (PCD) website and Champaign County Regional Data Portal have a variety of data and documents available to the public.

To ask if PCD staff have other data not listed here, please contact info@cuuats.org or 217-328-3313.

Please include in your request:
  1. Name
  2. Method of contact (email address or phone number)
  3. Agency affiliation or hometown name
  4. Type of data you are looking for, and any other known details (e.g., year)
PCD staff will follow up with your request in a minimum of 48 business hours to let you know if the data is available and what other details are needed.
Who Participates?
CUUATS member agencies and organizations applying for federal or state grants are the primary contributors to the TIP. The public has a 30-day comment period for reviewing the draft document before it is approved by the CUUATS Technical and Policy committees.
How are Projects Selected?
CUUATS member agencies submit their lists of projects, which must reference other participating agencies and each agency’s project cost share. For those projects seeking federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) funds, projects must be evaluated using the CUUATS Project Priority Review Guidelines which score projects according to how well they reflect federal transportation goals and the goals in the CUUATS Long Range Transportation Plan.
Listing of Federally Obligated Projects
The United States Code of Federal Regulations outlines the requirement for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to publish an annual listing of obligated projects for which Federal funds have been given in the preceding year, including a listing of pedestrian and bicycle projects.